Baby boy was supossed to be a pea pod. However he would have been encapsulated in fleece. Not happening, unless we wanted a 10 month old with a heat stroke. Target to the rescue with a skeleton made out of thin cotton. Here he his, happy as a clam chewing on my Diet Coke.
and here he is when I tried to take it from him to get picture of his costume.

JT was an adorable Clifford. This was not the planned costume. We were going to borrow a hand-me-down costume from our friends. I ran into the children's consignment store to look for some jeans for The Wild Indian and they had all of their Halloween stuff on sale for 50% off. I grabbed it, thinking it would be fantastic for Storybook Character Day next year. $2.75!!!! It is at least a $50 costume. So here I am, feeling all proud of myself for finding something cool for a couple of years from now, and JT sees it... and wants After some cajoling that it is going to be too big, too hot, I finally break down and let him try it on. The damn thing fit... so he was Clifford.
The Wild Indian was costumed up as Horton. It took some serious bribery to convince him that he really did not want to be Mater from Cars for the third year in a row. He was Horton for Storybook Character Day, but was flat out refusing (and I mean stomping of feet, jumping up and down refusing) to be Horton for 'real' Halloween. At the above mentioned consignment store, I found a recycled Horton bag. I got it with a friend's daughter who loves elephants in mind. Jeez, it was $1. He saw it, and said, "Oh, is that for my Horton costme?" In my infinite wisdom, I said, "Why of course it is." So ... he was Horton. Sometimes things just work out the way you want them to... even though it wasn't your intention.