Monday was my birthday. It was a great day. I went to the hardware store to gather things for the 'repaint the house project' with NO little kids. Daddy made a fabulous dinner and surprised me with a new DVD for family movie night. We all watched a movie together while eating popcorn, half of which ended up in the floor, but that's what vacuum cleaners are for :) I made a dent in the HUGE laundry basket full of mismatched socks after Baby Boy went to bed halfway through the movie. I am a PARTY animal, the hardware store, a movie with the kids, and sorting socks on my birthday ;) The best gift of all was a picture of me with ALL of the boys and no one looking miserable!

Baby Boy learned what crayons are really for (not eating as he had thought previously), and he was delighted to show me...on the walls....on the floor....on the french doors....on the windows...You get the drift. If the 'repaint the house project' been running on schedule, I might have killed him.

Wednesday I had a Doctor's appointment. I have to go and get gallbladder testing. WOO-HOO! Having Baby Boy jacked it all up and it's been killing me lately. Fun times there.
The 'repaint the house project' started in the boys' bathroom. I swear to GOD, I felt like I needed to wear a hazmat suit to deep clean it. I am planning on getting to the trim today. It was on the schedule for Tuesday, but you see how that went.
We are sticking close to home today. I am waiting on Daddy's Father's Day present to be delivered. If I left for 5 minutes, that is when they would show up. Naptime=trim painting.