Thursday, August 5, 2010


It has been soooooo incredibly hot this summer. The farthest they have gotten from the AC this week has been trips to the back porch to blow bubbles. Really, it is too hot to do much of anything outdoors, even the fun park pool. I am bribing the kids with a pool trip tomorrow IF they help get their room clean today. I have high hopes :)

This has been one busy summer. It seems I have accomplished much of nothing. Repaint the house project= epic fail. Get organized project=epic fail. The big thing I did get done was getting my pesky gallbladder out. I feel so much better. I highly recommend gallbladder removal :) In my extremely incoherent, relaxation cocktail state, I asked them to save my stones so that I could show my mom. Now I have a pee cup full of gallbladder stones. What do I do with them now? Jewelry has already been suggested.

During our hot, hot summer stuck in the AC, I have been making observations. I thought I'd share a couple. When a toddler runs, they look like a person doing an over the top impression of a drunken, gay man running. Apparently, 20 pairs of underwear are not enough to last a 3 year old 2 days, because you are supposed to change them every. single. time. you go to the bathroom.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

He's Found His Calling

JT appears to have aspirations to become a painter. He did this in less than 10 minutes. I was making the dinner of champions, DiGorno's cheese pizza, and he was creating a masterpiece. He had announced that he needed to pee, because it is necessary to announce it to everyone in earshot when you are 3. I realized that he had not come back to announce that he was "done" and he was quiet. NOT good. So I send the Wild Indian to go check on him. He comes running back into the kitchen yelling, "JT is in BIG trouble!" I began to smell the stench of trim paint about halfway there. Here is what I found. Note the discarded jean shorts and resistance ball on the floor. I ave NO clue how he got the paint opened.

The conversation went a little something like this.

Me: "WHAT DID YOU DO!!!???"

JT: "I painting."

Me: "WHY" (Like a 3-yr-old can tell you why)

JT: "I helping."

It is high-gloss trim paint. I washed as much off as I could (off of the wall AND off of him.) Now I have to sand, prime with a sealer stuff, and repaint. Yeah me!!!!! Its been 3 weeks and I just don't have the fortitude to fix it yet.